Windows are usually sealed with expanding foam which prevents window leaking but if too little is used it can create channels of air between the wall and window which can lead to leaking. It is important that your installer accurately measures the aperture and installs windows which fit exactly.
Before working on leaking window repair, you need to identify where the old caulk is and remove it. Otherwise, the new caulk will not have any spare space to absorb and the leaks may continue. The old caulk is located on the interstice between the frames and the wall, the frames and the windows, and where the windows meet one another. Leaking Windows | How to Repair Leaking Windows | Window Mart Leaking windows can be quite frustrating because they make living unbearable especially in places experiencing extreme weather conditions. Leaking windows will expose you to cold, dust, and wetness inside your house. You can imagine how terrible it is to live in a dusty or extremely cold house. Finding the Source of a Window Leak | HGTV
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Leaking Windows?
Sep 10, 2018 DIY Sealing a LEAKING Window - YouTube Aug 19, 2017 Leaking Windows: The Cause and the Cure - H2ouse
Leaking Windows - Instant Windscreens
Why Are My Windows Leaking? | Causes For Window Leaks