How to set up PfSense High Availability (hardware
Interface > WAN : Block private networks and loopback addresses & Block bogon networks are checked. The only other thing I remember, and I am sure this is for routing traffic from the LAN-> WAN is: To create a route up to (your main OVH IP), on an interface having no IP in this range, I use the commands: Block private networks from entering via WAN: disabled. Now we are ready to configure the LAN interface. Go to menu Interfaces > LAN. Change “IPv4 Configuration Type” to DHCP and Save. At this point, the configuration is finished and the image is prepared. In the pfSense menu, enter 6 to halt the system. Conclusion Ensure Block private networks and Block bogon networks are unchecked. Save the changes. You can now connect a switch to the LAN interface on your pfSense machine As stated in the title, my internet will only work if I uncheck the bogon network setting under the WAN interface and private networks unchecked on my LAN interface. I recently moved from a virtualized pfSense install to a standalone appliance. Under the virtualized pfSense, I did not have this issue. Everything else seems to be working fine.
OpenVPN on pFSense: Enable access to the LAN resources
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[SOLVED] Traffic not passing through from LAN to WAN
2017-4-11 · If your WAN network has a RFC1918 address range (10/8, 172.16/12 or 192.168/16), in the Block RFC1918 area, clear the Block private networks from entering via WAN check box. Then click Next. 8. On the Configure LAN Interface page, accept the current settings (, and click Next. 8. Pfsense学习(二)-zf717171-51CTO博客 2009-7-17 · 将BOLCK PRIVATE NETWORKS和BLOCK BOGON NETWORKS前面的勾去掉,然后再保存。 ©著作权归作者所有:来自51CTO博客作者zf717171的原创作品,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追 … pfSense2.3安装教程-布布扣 2017-6-12 · RFC1918 networks(RFC1918网络) · Block RFC1918 Private networks(阻止RFC1918专用网络): [√]选中 Block BOGONnetworks(阻止BOGON网络) · Block bogon netwoks(阻止BOGON网络): [√]选中 Select next tocontinue(选择下一步并 PfSense VirtualBox Appliance as Personal … 2015-1-19 · As the WAN interface has IP address assigned from the space reserved for private networks RFC 1918 (10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16) we should uncheck the box Block private networks. Then click Save and Apply Changes button. Picture 7 - WAN Interface 4.2